Changes from 2.0

If you have used the SGS 2.0 service, you may notice some changes in the 3.0 service.

Workspace request

We have developed a unified workspace and quota and management system. You can now request a workspace directly from the web interface. You no longer need to create UserBootstrap objects to create resource quotas.


We now manage multiple nodes in a single cluster. Each node belongs to a nodegroup (undergraduate or graduate), and each workspace is assigned to a nodegroup. Pods in your workspace are automatically modified to only run in nodes in your nodegroup. If you need to run on a specific node, use nodeSelectors in your pod configuration.

Resource model

We no longer grant guaranteed CPU or memory (request) quotas by default. If you are absolutely sure you need request quotas for your use-case, you must justify your request in the workspace request form.

Pod CPU and memory limits are now automatically set to your workspace quota value using LimitRanges. If you need to run multiple containers (multiple containers in a pod, multiple pods, or even both), adjust the limits in your pod configuration.


Users can now query node details. You no longer need to contact Bacchus to check the status of available node resources.

Multiple users can now be added to a single workspace. If you are collaborating with multiple users, for example for coursework, you can now share a single workspace.

We now enforce the baseline Pod Security Standard. Contact us if this is too restrictive for your use-case.


Harbor projects are now created automatically upon workspace approval. You no longer need to create the project manually.

We now automatically configure imagePullSecrets for your workspace under the default ServiceAccount. You no longer need to configure this manually, or specify imagePullSecrets in your pod configuration.